Buffalo’s Most Amazing Race presented by the Basil Family of Dealerships is BACK for 2021! Grab your partner, gas up the car and plan on a fun morning full of physical, educational, mental, and just plain silly challenges throughout Buffalo.

We are so excited to offer a COVID safe, hybrid event that allows teams of two to complete both in-person AND scavenger hunt style challenges with the help of the Eventzee App. Teams must wear face masks and maintain proper social distancing guidelines while completing all challenges.

First place prize is $1,000! There are additional prizes for the top race placement teams as well as the top fundraising teams.

“We’re so excited to be able to have a race this year that combines aspects of the original Buffalo’s Most Amazing Race and the Scavenger Hunt style from last year.” Said Laurie Krajna, Director of Development. “We wanted to offer a COVID safe race that had that competitive edge that our racers have come to love. I think that this year’s hybrid version is the best of both worlds as we are offering both in-person and scavenger hunt style challenges!”

Registration is now OPEN! Register your team of two today at www.BuffaloSalvationArmy.org/race


Thank You to Our Sponsors!