The William Mattar Law Offices have been supporters of our Red Kettle Open Golf Tournament since 2015. In 2020, when the Coronavirus Pandemic hit WNY, their support of our Fill The Gap Campaign allowed us to continue providing support to so many families in our community that were in need.

  • With the help of our generous donors, like the William Mattar Law Offices, we have been able to:
  • Provide HOPE for over 49,000 individuals in need.
  • Provide more than 10,000 nights of shelter for families with no place to call home.
  • Provide over 162,000 meals through our food pantries and mobile food distribution sites.

As we continue in the recovery period after this pandemic, the need in our community continues to grow. Thank you, William Mattar Law Offices, for helping us Do the Most Good for those in the Buffalo community.

Our 2021 Red Kettle Open Golf Tournament is Monday, June 7 at Transit Valley Country Club. 11 a.m. Registration and lunch with a shotgun start at 12 p.m. Sponsorships and foursomes are still available! If you or your place of business is interested in donating or participating in our 2021 Red Kettle Open Golf Tournament, please visit or call 716-888-6220.